About This Game The stealth genre gets turned on its head in The Marvellous Miss Take – the only heist adventure that invites you to steal with style!Break into 25 unique art galleries as three different thieves in search of the ultimate score, evading guards and using gadgets to get away with your priceless haul. Unlike other stealth games though, there’s no time for waiting in the shadows until the right moment! Wandering guards decide their patrol routes on the fly, security cameras keep watch over everything and even innocent gallery goers just visiting to admire the art might raise the alarm if they see something suspicious. Only quick wits and even quicker reflexes can help you grab the loot and escape unseen – there’s no option for violence and the clock is ticking!Game featuresOrganised Chaos – More than your typical stealth game, The Marvellous Miss Take is a fluid, high-speed game of cat and mouse! Random guard patterns require players to think on their feet rather than hiding in the shadows, and one false move means escape can be snatched away from you in seconds.Wits, Not Fists – Forget violence, takedowns or picking off guards one by one… distraction's the key to success here! Each stage stays tense from the first step to the last, so put your gadgets to good use to keep out of trouble and pilfer everything you can before someone spots you!The Bigger Picture – Sneak into the 25 multi-floored galleries as one of three different characters, each of which has their own unique skills and goals. Can you escape safely with the maximum amount of loot and grab yourself a perfect ranking?Artfully Accessible – Streamlined, intuitive mouse controls let you explore the colourful world of The Marvellous Miss Take with ease, making the exciting puzzle-cum-stealth action accessible to players of all ages and skills. 7aa9394dea Title: The Marvellous Miss TakeGenre: Action, Casual, IndieDeveloper:WonderstruckPublisher:Rising Star GamesRelease Date: 20 Nov, 2014 The Marvellous Miss Take Activation Code the marvellous miss take download. the marvellous miss marvel. the marvellous miss take wiki. the marvelous miss take free. the marvellous miss take 日本語化. the marvellous miss maisel imdb. the marvelous miss take review. the marvellous miss take gameplay. the marvellous miss maisel cast. the marvellous miss take. the marvellous miss take free download. the marvellous miss maisel. the marvelous miss take download. the marvellous miss jones. the marvellous miss maisel season 2. the marvellous miss maisel review. the marvellous miss take steam Note: video review embedded below.The Marvellous Miss Take is such a phenomenal stealth game that it seems to have snuck by just about everyone.Terrible puns aside, Miss Take is likely one the most tragically passed by game of 2014, and one of its absolute bests. An isometric stealth game starring a feisty redhead who\u2019s inherited art has been stolen away, it better understands the fundamentals of what make a brilliant stealth game than nearly anything I\u2019ve ever played.It builds itself upon basic but rock solid mechanics - hiding, running, and pilfering anything that isn\u2019t nailed down - and then applies them to ingenious level designs to stretch them to their absolute limits. Miss Take is immediately accessible without ever feeling dumb, giving you tools you understand but finding endless ways to constantly force you to rethink how you can apply them to a situation.There was never a moment in Miss Take where I was stagnant. There was always some guard I needed to avoid, some artwork I had to shove into my Mary Poppins-like hat, some pathway I needed to find a way through. It avoids making you feel as if you have to wait the way so many stealth games do, always urging you forward and forcing you to play better. I failed a LOT during my time with the game, but it was always do to a stupid move I\u2019d made or an alarm I hadn\u2019t taken into account, and never once did I want to stop because of it.Miss Take is so incredibly rewarding and satisfying that getting caught during a heist was almost inconsequential, causing me to lose a moment or two of playtime but in that showing me a way I could better approach a level. With the lack of preset guard patterns I also never got tired of replaying levels, as each attempt changed just enough to give me something new to worry about without completely casting aside the knowledge I had gained from previous attempts.And knowledge is never something Miss Take makes any attempt to hide from you. There\u2019s a continual stream of information being sent to you from every object and obstacle in a level, from a guard\u2019s field of view to whether or not you\u2019re hidden to how much sound any action you perform will make. It\u2019s all right before you at every moment of play, and it\u2019s displayed in a way that\u2019s instantly comprehensible and even stylistic, matching the games ridiculously slick art design as it all blends together under a fantastically jazzy soundtrack.Miss Take is the kind of game that shows why stealth games don\u2019t have to be slow or tedious; how they can be fast and lively and organic, full of bright colors and delightful characters that were more endearing to me than games with tens of times more dialogue ever managed. The Marvellous Miss Take is as exceptional as its name declares, and it\u2019s immensely depressing how few seem to have given it the chance so they could realize it.Note: The Marvellous Miss Take was reviewed having played exclusively with a controller. You can read more of my writing on Kritiqal.https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=jWShM8I9RiQ&list=PLmaGkDQUd2inWbUZoSoB7v2zcJ_cJ0VGA&index=1. With a focus on fast-paced heists, The Marvellous Miss Take brings some fresh new ideas to the stealth genre. Miss Take stands out amidst the gloomy atmospheres of other recent stealth games thanks to lighthearted humor and a positive attitude. I like the variety of challenges and the “easy to learn, tough to master” feel that makes it fun to replay the levels. There are a few spots that could use improvement, though. The focus on aiming for better times is problematic due to the random movements of the guards. Pure luck often makes the difference between a good run and a bad run, and that can feel unfair. I think it would be better to eliminate the clock and focus instead on making larger levels and giving each of them a distinct “flavor,” since all the stages look and sound pretty much the same. On the whole, I found The Marvellous Miss Take to be a very pleasant surprise. The visual/audio style, themes, and gameplay are very unique and elegantly presented. Fans of stealth games should definitely check this one out. (Rating: 8/10 “Very Good”)Notes: The mouse and keyboard controls felt awkward early on, so I switched to an Xbox 360 controller for Windows and never looked back.. A great little game about manipulating guards and spotting gaps. Unlike a lot of stealth games it's not about learning routines as it about distracting the guards and pinching the art work while their backs are turned. It's a challenge game with very little plot, which don't tend to engage me, but I find myself coming back to it now and again and always having a fun and exciting time.. The Marvellous Miss Take from what I see is a mix of two TV shows, The Nanny, and Kim Possible, and I love the fact that it reminds me of those two shows.Talking about the game, it's a top-down, non-lethal stealth stealth game, and it's a simple one with it's simple and good looking graphics/art style, simple controls, and simple objectives and gameplay, and it's simplicity is really nice to be honest.The game is pretty looking with colorful cozy colors, coupled with a few nice sound tracks. The story isn't anything special but it's good for what the game is, and sets the background and reasons for what you do, which is stealing valuable art and the like. The stealth part of the game is pretty direct with a couple of enemies to deal with, with their line of sight and whatnot (also dogs), and cameras, lasers, you get the idea, and everything about those are pretty good with the enemy's movement being random and unpredictable.You also get nice toys to play around with depending on the level and a noise maker that you can through, or a teleprompter, or glue to slow enemies or other NPCs. Just to make the playing through the levels a little (or a heck lot) more fun depending on how you use it.There's also a handful of characters with different priorities when going through the levels, and different abilities and gameplay, which aside from the main campaign and getting three stars (or three frames), adds a heck of a lot more replayability to the game.The one thing I found bad/annoying is the imprecise movement system, with how the area you click in to move is a big circle that results click on areas that I didn't want to click on, that and coupled with the locked camera angle leaves an annoying moment to have every now and then.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YT1oYf94RzcOverall the game is great and I loved my time playing it with it's cheerful and fun simple gameplay, good lengthy campaign that's fun to replay with different approaches and characters, with good and snappy level design.Shameless link[www.ksalue.com] to original post.. Know what you're getting into.I rate this 7 of 10. This is initially a very good game with great stealth mechanics that, after its first half, actually feels too long and becomes a chore if you want to complete it. The global achievement stats are a testament to that, only 2.6% have completed it (normal "story mode" completion, not with all the extra stuff you can do in the game). That compares to 42.7% who have gotten the first achievement, which is not a trivial one. All this is almost one year after its release. Many people seem to like the game (for good reasons) and play it to a considerable extent, but only very few finish it. (The phenomenon is ofcourse natural and can be seen with other games, too, but much weaker. This game makes most people give up on it, much more than other games.)If you are a normal gamer who doesn't mind abandoning a game at the point where it gets tedious, this is fun for a while.If you are a gamer who likes to at least play to the end, this game drags on and the difficulty is far beyond the nice and friendly game that it seems to be in the beginning. Restarting and hoping for better random conditions will happen alot. The game is good enough to have kept me playing to the end, though.If you like to complete the game with all achievements and extra stuff like beating par times on each level, then be prepared for some frustration over the imprecise controls when things become hectic, the randomness and the lots and lots and lots of restarting a level. I persevered and did even that, but was it fun? Some moments yes, alot of the times no. I feel a little sorry about the amount of time I poured into this, but I didn't want to stop at a 85% finished game. Now I'm glad to uninstall it even though there are some "pro" and "dev" time limits left to beat.Also I don't like how the game never stays at a smooth frame rate (probably for everyone, check the forums), even though I'm far above the system requirements. I'll have to assume this is due to bad programming and misuse of middleware. When you're running on too many layers of software, performance and timing problems are likely to happen. The slight stuttering doesn't ruin the game though.Finishing with the positive things, this game has nice stylish graphics, and great music that fits the style. And the gameplay is really nice, the stealth mechanics are well done and you are never unclear about what's going on and why a guard has "caught your scent". The difficulty ramps up smoothly, so the point where it starts to become tedious will depend on your tolerance and skill. But that point will come for most people, so know what you're getting into.. Awesome action stealth game featuring three unique art thieves, each with their own gameplay mechanics!I'm in love with the visuals, funky music and fun gameplay, I wasn't expecting to have such a great time from this little gem!7/8!. The Marvelous Miss Take is one of the best stealth-action game's you've probably never heard of.You're quickly introduced to Sophia Take, the main character and find out that your Aunt had passed away and in her will she had left her art collection to Sophia. You then find out that Ralph Blackstock forges a new will and takes Sophia's Aunts entire art collection and your job is to get it back and prove he stole it from you.Now the game is split into five chapters and each chapter is composed of five stages, to start with the stages are very basic. There are some cameras and a few guards patrolling the art gallery but as you continue they start using dogs and motion detecting lasers to try and stop you. You'll notice right away that Sophia is just your average thief, nothing too fancy; she can nimbly get away with nothing but her wits and whatever gadget the stage gave to you. As the stages get more complex you'll meet two new characters, Harry the Thief and Daisy the Pickpocket. Eventually these two characters join your party and help Sophia try and get her art collection back. Both of these characters play completely different and also have to complete seperate goals than the other two. Harry the Thief walks with a cane so he's slower than Sophia and Daisy but he can throw his trusty bouncy ball to distract guards and his missions are literal stealth missions; don't get caught at all because he can't escape easily. Daisy the Pickpocket is the fastest of the three and can walk around guards without alerting them, her missions are also drastically different; you have to steal keys from guards to open safes for cash rather than just stealing art and leaving.This game definitely builds itself on basic but rock solid stealth mechanics - hiding, running (or walking) and stealing anything that isn't outright nailed down and then applies all of that to its extraordinary level design. On top of that the game has extremely simplistic controls, you can play it with just the mouse if you wanted to; or keyboard for movement and mouse for actions; or even just your controller. One downside is that there are no remapping controls, so if you don't have a controller and the default controls for keyboard & mouse bother you than you are out of luck.Graphically there isn't anything to complain about, some might like the cartoony feel while others might hate it. I personally feel that it helps the game stand out amongst other games in the genre usually being dark rather than having that happy yet serious feel. Don't let the bright nature of this game fool you, it will take no mercy on you in the later stages.Now the soundtrack for this game was phenomenal, it has that jazzy down to earth feel while you're slyly prowling around an art gallery trying your best not to get caught while you pilfer paintings or other priceless treasures.Honestly The Marvelous Miss Take is a perfect example of how a stealth game doesn't need to be slow or tedious; how they can also be fast and lively, in a world of bright colours and memorable characters that don't need to have fifteen times the dialogue introducing them to be remembered. This game is as great as it's very own name states, it's just depressing no one really gives it the chance it deserves.If you're into stealth games and have wondered "is this the game for me?" I can probably say without a doubt, yes it is. Highly recommend a purchase at any price; it has enough content to keep you entertained for hours and then some.. The Marvelous Miss Take is a great game for the first few levels, fun and simple!However, on the second level of Chapter Two(Show Me The Monet), it got ridiculously frustrating for me. The Guards' sight range is incredibly vast, which is fine.. But not if there's three of them in a small gallery.Along with a camera.After passing that level (not before failing many, many times before.) within an hours worth of trying, I moved onto the next. This is when they added Dogs. The Dogs' sight range is reasonable, but the scent range is infuriating- Especially if you put them in a room with a Guard AND a camera.This is when I decided to stop the game. It was fun, very fun, for the first few levels. Then, it's simple stealing went from challengingly fun to unbelievably, frustratingly difficult. That, of course, is just my take on the game. Those who enjoy difficulty would probably love it! Thank you for reading~. A very stylish and visually well designed game, however I have to say it controls terribly and gets very frustrating to play. Havent rage quitted at a game in a while, which pushed me to write this comment. I will say reasonable price, I bought it on sale so cant complain too much, I like to concept and visuals, just wish the gameplay wasnt such a stress inducing experience, the music and style seems like it should've been fairly relaxing.. Heisting With Wits Not FistsEven though there isn't much competition, this is the best and most replayble stealth game of the year. Miss Sophia Take needs to get back her rightfully owned art pieces from various levels. Might not look it, but the game is quite experimental and challenging underneath the top-notch poppy cartoonish presentation. The art design and jazzy soundtrack are sublime. It's a game designed around non-violence and ghosting, which is even lacking among the greatest stealth games that still allow you to knock out every guard but this game is all about getting in and out of a level sight unseen. The control method is more like an RTS where it's mouse-only (although you can use WASD) but with one unit set against guards, cameras, dogs, and lasers. You move with the LMB and you can hold down for whistling to distract an enemy. with RMB, you can throw a gadget like a noisemaker or teleporter. My one gripe about the gadgets is they're not used in enough levels, and the glue gadget is almost entirely useless but is only required for just a couple of levels. It's very arcade-y where you have par times to beat and short multi-tier levels to traverse, but the random enemy placements will make you act on your toes. Sometimes that randomness can lead to being boxed in by large vision cones but realise there are only 4 types of placements, so respawning multiple times after failures is not so bad. It's hard to get angry when Miss Take, the good version of Carmen Sandiago, is spotted and throws her hat and hands in the air as she flees from being captured. Dogs are usually the most annoying enemy in stealth games, but here not only do they look cute but their small vision cones allows you to literally make them trail around in circles which is useful in later levels when they can be an obstacle to your goal. The other playable characters make for different stategies and goals in their more ghosting-frinedly versions of the same levels, and even after 10 hours of completing 25 levels, I still found their epilogues left to unlock.I found the civilians really annoying when you're trying to round a corner and get a painting at the same time while they're gawking at it, slowing down your movement and possibly getting you spotted. The story itself is quite light-hearted, with a good sense of humour ("You're Batman, I get it"). The characters are likeable, especially Daisy where there's a whole motherly thing going on between Miss Take and her. There aren't many surprises in the plot, but the character banter between levels in your house are appreciated that gives a more family atmosphere as you three try to help each other out along the way. If you're up for a cute and challenging game, this is a steal.
The Marvellous Miss Take Activation Code
Updated: Dec 8, 2020